Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm not sure if I want to "sign up". Can I just try one lesson?

Of course! Your first lesson is free and there is no obligation to continue after. 

2. My child doesn't want a lesson every week. Can you be flexible?

Yes! Regular lessons do work extremely well for French and Spanish retention, and we do recommend weekly sessions. However, if this doesn't work for you then we can arrange lessons ad-hoc at your convenience. 

3. Can we mix online and face-to-face teaching?

That's no problem. I find that online teaching works extremely well as there is little home disruption to families and lessons are extremely focused as a result. Sometimes, however, face-to-face works well for certain lessons or with certain students. I would recommend trialing an online lesson first to see how it goes. 

4. I want to just have conversation classes, rather than full, structured lessons. Is this possible?

Yes. For conversation only I don't provide a lesson structure beforehand and we "go with the flow" of a topic of your choice. I will address certain grammatical mistakes or vocabulary blunders during the session, but the aim is to speak the language and gain confidence orally. Lessons for conversation only are priced at a special rate of £35 per hour. 

5. I can't make my lesson tonight. Please can I cancel? 

I always try and reschedule lessons wherever possible, but I also have limited time during the week to do this. I also schedule student's lessons and planning time into my weekly schedule, so cancelling last minute can be frustrating! While I will always try and be flexible and understanding, there is a cancellation policy for missed lessons. Lessons cancelled within 24 hours will be charged at full price. Lessons cancelled between 24 and 48 hours are charged at half price. 

6. Can you please mark my work?

As a fully qualified and experienced French and Spanish teacher, I can mark any work that you might like. Any work done for my lessons is included in the price of that lesson. Any work marked as an extra (for example marking GCSE grammar and verbs) is charged at £10 per double A4 page. Comments and hints for improvements are also attached.